When we talk about the United States, there are two sides. Republicans and Democrats. Both oppose each other in all fields and criticise each other more than their political debates. Presidential elections are held every four years, regardless of which party holds the presidency of the United States. All support Israel and give billions of dollars in aid to Israel. All international forums support Israeli aggression.
The United States has used its veto 42 times to support Israel and to pressure other countries to criticise Israel. This is a controversial topic over American support for Israel in terms of financial and military aid. Biden did not criticise Israel in any way, which shows that Israel is an important ally in protecting US global interests in the Middle East.
Why can't the United States criticise Israel point by point even if it wants to? And why do they pay more attention to Israel's interests than those of the Americans? Meanwhile, Israel tops the list of world powers thanks to its intelligence, military might and technological expertise. The United States shares its technology with Israel.
The only reason is that Israel promotes American interest in the Middle East, shares details of its extremist Islamic groups, and provides cutting-edge military technology to the United States. The Jewish community has played an important role in the United States; Domestic policies in the United States are more influenced by the minority Jewish community than by majority Americans. Jewish lobby influence controls White House decisions
Let's see why, according to various web results there are 7.6 million Jews living in the United States. This represents 2.4 percent of the total population. After Israel, the United States is the country with the second largest Jewish population in the world. However, these minority communities have a large influence on American political decisions.
It is divided into three parts: long-term US strategy in the Middle East, electoral politics, and the strong pro-Israel lobby in Washington. Jews played an important role in the Revolutionary War and George Washington gave them equal rights. The United States was the first country to grant equal rights to Jews.
But various crimes are committed against Jews on American soil. During this period, Jews in the United States advanced rapidly, primarily in their community, religion, political arena, business, and factories, Jews included artists and entrepreneurs such as Bob Dylan, Max Weber, Calvin Klein, Mike Bloomberg, etc.
Were. American scientists and Nobel laureates like Einstein, Feynman, Niels Bohr etc. The income of the Jewish population in the United States is 72 percent of the national average. This is a very high number to compare with the income provided by the ethnic community. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jewish emigration to the United States, World War II, and anti-Semitism in Europe encouraged this emigration.
The United States, under the leadership of American President Terman, was the first country to recognize Israel as a state. Due to its influence, the Zionist organisation influenced by America became involved in American politics. American strategic policy and mission played an important role in the creation of the Jewish state. After the end of World War II, two superpowers emerged, the United States and the USSR, whose conflict is known as the Cold War.
Both countries are fighting for control and authority over the entire world. They both had a vision for strategic regions like the Middle East. Israel was the best tool the United States had to contain the influence of the USSR in the Middle East. Israel has received financial and military assistance from the United States. Jews played an important role in the American civil rights movement between the 1940s and 1970s.
In 1956, US President Dwight Eisenhower did not support Israel and its British and French allies, as he did during the Suez Crisis. Israeli nuclear operations foster certain tensions in the relationship between the United States and Israel. The purpose of the mission was to help Israel reduce the influence of the USSR in the Middle East and implement American strategies.
This is why the United States provides military and economic aid to Israel. But after the dissolution of the USSR, US policy in the Middle East did not change and they remained allied with Israel. During the Cold War, the US was engaged in resolving disputes in the region, maintaining the stability of the Middle East and its oil resources.
Jewish opinion influences American domestic policy and public opinion in the United States. This is the most important factor determining relations between the United States and Israel. If anything, it is the American public's deep support for Israel. This support makes it easier to pass bills introduced in the United States Congress regarding Israel.
This amounts to a $26 trillion debt burden on the US economy in 2021, giving Israel $3 trillion in financial aid each year. Israel receives 20 percent more aid than any other democracy and no party in America has any objection to this. Israeli politicians are well aware of the pro-Israel attitudes of their voters and act accordingly. What are the reasons behind these feelings of the American public? Various factors come into play, but one of them relates to shared values and moral image.
The American public views Israel as a democratic country, like the United States. To control extremism and authoritarianism in the Middle East, the American public believes that a strong democratic country like Israel is needed in the region. Religious viewpoints also play an important role behind these decisions. American Jews and evangelical Christians play an important role in his politics. These groups are active in American party politics and are pro-Israel.
Jews and Christians came together to build broad public support for continued and unconditional support for Israel. On the other hand, the pro-Israel lobby and conspiracy theories. One theory says that the lobby operated behind closed doors, in secret rooms. The "Rothschild theory" holds that Jews raise money from unlawful sources and utilise it to influence countries, institutions, and government officials.
The second is the "professional Zionist government conspiracy theory", according to which a Jewish lobby consisting of organizations, academics, think tanks, etc. forces the US to be pro-Israel. International relations experts John Mershimer and Stephen Walt reject the conspiracy theory and believe that the Jewish lobby is an integral part of American political institutions.
According to him, US-Israel relations are not driven by shared values or strategies. The Jewish lobby has an important role in all this. They are an integral part of American politics today. American-Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC is the most influential pro-Israel lobbying organization in the United States. They participate in financing American elections by using their financial resources to design congressional legislatures.
One of the US conditions for trade with the USSR in 1974 was that they must meet all the needs of the Jewish community, a condition which Russia maintained even after the collapse of the USSR. In 2020, Jewish supporters donated $40 million to presidential candidates. 63 percent go to Democrats and 36 percent to Republicans. This was 2 times more than the 2016 elections. A thin group associated with group work in American universities and critics claim it is part of the Israel lobby.
The Committee for the Accuracy of Middle East Reporting in America is an American pro-Israel media monitoring organization. He never authorises the dissemination of information that harms Israel's image. Christians United for Israel also has a powerful pro-Israel lobby that counters pro-Israel sentiments in American society.
Energy companies, organisations, arms industries, all kinds of groups work in America with the main goal of protecting relations between Israel and the United States, but today, in addition to their main goal, they are highly involved in its politics and civil society. Are included. Let us intervene. But these arguments often take a very controversial form. Concern over the pro-Israel lobby comes from the anti-Semitism that was once imposed on Jews in Europe.
There is no doubt that this pro-Israel lobby significantly influences America's domestic and foreign policy. But claiming that this is the only factor determining this complex scenario is also not accurate. Policy making is a very complex area that is influenced by a wide variety of factors. And America's pro-Israel policy on this matter is also completely correct.
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